
The accreditation process is a simple and easy undertaking. Once you have registered your interest (click on ‘contact us’ or ‘schedule accreditation today’) you will be contacted by a SafeMINDed® accreditor. We will then provide you with an information pack, explain the process and answer any of your questions. We can do this onsite or online. Once you decide to undertake accreditation, you will sign a licence and pay the fee required. A checklist will be provided for you to gather the necessary information for accreditation process. Your assigned accreditor will then conduct a site visit, talk with you and your staff and undertake your accreditation. Once the information has been gathered, a report will be written for you using the SafeMINDed® framework and the attached maturity model with recommendations and next steps for your workplace being outlined. All the mental health initiatives that you currently have in place will also be highlighted in this report and medal status may be assigned. Once you have been given the SafeMINDed® report, you are committed to ensuring the recommendations are met within the license period. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation is provided by your accreditor for the license period, including regular check ins and updates. To ensure visibility of your commitment to mental health and wellbeing, if you gain accreditation, you will receive SafeMINDed® window seals to display in your workplace.