“Visibly demonstrate your commitment to ensuring a mental health aware workplace”

Schedule Accreditation Today

  • Benefits for your workplace/organisation.

    1. Reduced sick leave

    2. Mentally healthy workforce

    3. Demonstrating leadership in your field/sector

    4. Culturally responsive framework

    5. Mentally healthy working environment

    6. Enhanced workforce productivity

    7. One easy annual licence fee payment

    8. Ongoing support, advice, and collaboration from your assigned accreditor(s)

    9. Attract new employees as you visibly demonstrate being mental health aware evidencing being amongst the best employers to work for.

  • What does SafeMINDed® Mental Health Accreditation offer your workplace?

    1. Face to face consultation and collaboration with both leadership and employees within your workplace

    2. Appropriate and sensible strategies for your workplace are identified to enhance the mental health and well-being of your employees

    3. Checklist will be provided to you before accreditation takes place to guide collation of evidence for the accreditation process

    4. Unique tailoring of the SafeMINDed® framework to adapt to your individual workplace.

    5. The annual accreditation process is undertaken for your workplace against the SafeMINDed® Accreditation framework by our accreditors who are mental health professionals with extensive experience in the field.

    6. Alignment of the SafeMINDed® maturity model against your organisations current mental health initiatives.

    7. Ongoing support, consultation, and guidance by our mental health professionals during the accreditation period.

    8. Comprehensive accreditation report provided with recommendations and next steps

    9. Window seal and banner to visibly identify you have undergone and achieved SafeMINDed® Accreditation.

    10. Review of your progress, ensuring your pledge to meet recommendations provided.

    11. Support from accreditors to help your workplace progress through the levels to attain bronze, silver, or gold award status

    12. SafeMINDed® Bronze, silver, or gold award accreditation logo (once achieved) to use on your own marketing material for the licensing period.


Katy Lockwood

Student Success/Learner Services | Student Advisor/Distance and Online Student Advisor

“Dr. Suzie Bartlett has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the promotion and raising awareness of learner mental health in different contexts. The comprehensive research that she conducted for her doctorate was integral in the development of a framework to assist educational environments to improve their capabilities in psychological safety. Together with her in depth insights, Suzie’s passion, energy, and professionalism helps to drive the process seamlessly. One of her many strengths is her ability to motivate and support staff which instils confidence in implementing the SafeMINDed® framework.

SafeMINDed® has a lot to offer educational settings. The framework provides a structure that guides and supports every level of an organisation’s mental health and wellbeing strategy. It supports policies at higher levels as well as guiding tools for learners in the classroom.  What makes the process, so gratifying is that it celebrates and acknowledges the initiatives that organisations already have in place and identifies areas that require more focus. The suggestions provided are clear and innovative and can take the organisation to that next level. Becoming SafeMINDed® accredited is currently the only way for organisations to demonstrate their commitment and dedication to their learners’ mental health and wellbeing and celebrate this achievement. This is the direction organisations need to be going in and SafeMINDed® is the perfect step to take for our future generations.”

“SafeMINDed® accreditors are all mental health professionals with extensive experience”

Dr. Suzie Bartlett